
Hello everyone! I hope you are all looking forward to the busy week ahead, starting with the Summer Arts Fair this weekend and culminating with the recital.

Please refer to the schedule in a previous post for details on days, times, and events.

It was just brought to my attention that when we are at the theater, there is NO PARKING in the circular drive, it is a fire lane. It may be briefly used for unloading and loading only.

I hope each family can bring some goodies for the concessions table at the shows, the money goes towards the scholarship fund. We appreciate your support very much, and the goodies are delicious!

Getting excited……!

Special rehearsal date

Rehearsal update for Tuesday, May 26. Let’s all get together on this day and do a full cast run through of our ballet. There is no class on the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, so this is a good day to meet. We can meet at 4pm, and start at 4:15. The ballet is about 45 minutes total, so if we can settle down and start on time, we ought to be done by 5:15. I hope everyone can come!

….and then the” Help wanted” news!

As most of you realize, putting on a performance is a lot of work for the dance community- dancers, teachers, choreographers, set designers, costumers, etc.

So, how can you help?  Here are some of the jobs that we need a few parent volunteers for:

Goodie table: at each show we like to offer goodies to our audience and donations go towards the scholarship fund.  Can you bake or set up the table?

Set up and Clean up:  There are a few big jobs we need help with, Tuesday we will be  moving costume racks and props, hanging scenery, setting up chairs and making the theater “audience ready” organizing the dressing room, and the biggest job, transporting the Feet First rolled vinyl flooring.  Can you help with any of this?  Clean up is all of the above in reverse, on Sunday as soon as the show is over.

Bouquets: We will be offering small bouquets for friends and family to purchase at the shows, to give their dancer.  Would you like to help make them?

Costumes:  We may need some help with a few of the costumes and might set up a work day at the studio.  If this interests you, please let us know.


Spring recital updates

Hello dancers and families,

We are getting closer to recital week so I want to go over some important details and dates.


at SoHum Dancing

Monday, June 1  4pm  “Studio Dress” all dancers attend NO classes before the rehearsal

Tuesday, June 2  4pm Full run through, all dancers attend, NO classes before the rehearsal

at Redwood Playhouse, the theater in Garberville at the CR Building on Sprowel Creek Road

Wednesday, June 3, 4pm tech rehearsal, all dancers attend, NO classes before the rehearsal

***please note that if it is too much to get your little dancer to all of these rehearsals, let us know when they CAN come.  Kathy’s dancers MUST attend all rehearsals unless ill*********

Thursday, June 4, 5:15 pm Dress Rehearsal, all dancers attend  NO classes before the rehearsal

arrival times: Nina’s and Natalie’s dancers 4:45

Kathy’s dancers 4 pm to warm up before changing

Friday, June 5

SHOW starts at 7pm

arrival times: Nina’s and Natalie’s dancers 6:30pm

Kathy’s dancers 5 pm to warm up before changing

Saturday, June 6, AND Sunday June 7

SHOW starts at 2pm

arrival times: Nina’s and Natalie’s dancers 1:30pm

Kathy’s dancers  12pm to warm up before changing

The entire show runs around 45 minutes.  All dancers are performing throughout the show.