Revised schedule

Current Schedule


11 WEEK SESSION, no classes Presidents’ Week, Feb. 23-Mar. 1. Session ends Sunday March 29.

Dates to note:

Monday March 16-Thursday March 19- practice exam week

Monday, March 23- Thursday March 26- parent observation week

RAD exams for upper level students will take place at the end of March or first week of April

*Spring recital will be the weekend of May 22, 23, 24, during the Spring session which begins after spring break and ends the week of June 8-12


2-2:30 pre ballet 1 ages 3-4
2:30- 3:15 pre ballet 2 ages 4-5
3:30- 4:15 intro to ballet ages 5-6 or previous experience
4:15- 5 primary, ages 7 and up
5-5:45 grade 3

5:45-6:15 pre-pointe/pointe

6:15-7 grade 4


10-12:30 adult ballet
3:30-4:15 pre-primary, ages 6 and older
4:15-5 grade 1 ages 8 and up, by teacher’s placement

5-5:45 grade 3

5:45-6:15 conditioning and contemporary

6:15-7 grade 4

3:30- 4:15 pre-primary & intro combo class
4:15-5 primary
5:00-7 Intermediate Foundation: teens and grades 3&4, pre-pointe/pointe, Summer Arts Fair rehearsal


10-12:30 adult ballet
3:30-4:15 boys’ class
4:15-5 grade 1, ages 8 and up,by teacher’s placement
5-5:30 pointe/ pre-pointe

5:30-7 grade 3&4 all dances- classical, contemporary and character


FEES includes cost of classes, yearly registration fee and costume use fee

Class cost is based on 11 weeks of classes x the number of classes per week per family
1 class per week $100
2 classes per week $180
3 classes per week $240
4 classes per week $280
5 classes per week $300
Missed classes may be made up by attending another class of a similar level

*2 partial payments accepted

Yearly costume use fee when paid in the fall, includes costumes for any performances

$35, pre-ballet – primary

$50 grade 1 and up (includes use of RAD regulation character skirt and character shoes)

Half year costume use fee paid only if joining after the new year

$20 pre-ballet-primary

$35 grade 1 and up (includes use of RAD regulation character skirt and character shoes)

*family discount available on costume fees

Yearly registration fee $10 per family paid only once a year


Schedule change!

Hi everyone! I am making a schedule change for the session start-up date. We will start the following week from the one originally planned, and start Monday, January 12. I will revise the details soon, but wanted to get this info out today.

Dancers from the Magic Doll Shop who are participating in the Morris Graves event on Sunday, January 11 at 2 pm, please note that there are 2 rehearsals scheduled with Feet First. The first one is Saturday, January 3 at 11 am- 2pm, the next one is Saturday the 10th at 11am-2pm (dress rehearsal, but I will probably not bring the costumes).. These will take place at the Vets Hall. Hopefully you can make it, at least the one for the 10th, when we learn a finale choreographed by Sue. I will probably call everyone about this early next week. Thus far the dances are- Tarantella, Mazurka, Spanish, and CanCan. We may also add Russian, Harlequin and Angel, however. i will find out soon and let you know.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Thank you!

Well the shows are all done, and I want to thank everyone for participating, helping, watching, etc., etc.! I think that we all enjoyed being at the new theater space, and with a few more upgrades, things should get smoother. I think we did get a rhythm going with sharing the dressing too- thanks moms of the little ones for helping with that and getting it cleared out quickly for the teens!

Classes resume the week of January 5th. I hope everyone makes it back. Focus for the winter session until spring break will be on class work and technique, preparing for exams and practice exams, and having parent observation days.

Our spring recital is planned for the week of May 18th, with shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 22, 23, 24. Please mark you calenders now. Classes will continue to take place after the recital, ending the week of June 8th.

Have a wonderful holiday, everyone!

Updates as of 8:15 am- could chage as news about conditions comes in!


As far as showing up today for dress rehearsal, make your choice based on safety- then we will all hope to gather tomorrow as planned for the show! I do believe easier weather conditions are on the way, at least!


Tickets will be available at the dress rehearsal tonight.

We hope that many people come to see the show. We have about 70 chairs and plenty of standing room. Visibility won’t be great past a third row, as there are no risers for the chairs yet (next year hopefully), but there is lots of space to spread out. We will experiment with the best seating configurations tonight.

Thank you for participating yesterday!

We had a successful studio dress rehearsal yesterday, hectic and behind schedule, but the dancers looked great in their costumes. One more step on the way to the theater performances.

My sincere apologies to those of you who patiently waited for a second run through which didn’t happen! We were so behind schedule it just wasn’t possible. I will try to arrange the plans differently next time….maybe just let you all watch from the beginning…..

Special “hats off” to Mimi and Adalaya, who took a costume problem into their own hands and figured out a fix- nothing like some needle, thread, elastic, and creative thinking to work wonders!

Off to the theater today for some set up.


aside from Tuesday classes, ALL activities will take place at the theater in Garberville!

Monday- set up at the theater, NO CLASSES

Tuesday- classes as usual at the studio
adults, Natalie’s girls, and Kathy’s classes, but ending at 6:00

Wednesday- Tech Rehearsal at 4pm:
Kathy, Natalie and adult dancers in Skaters’ Waltz, all dancers in Magic Doll Shop ( teens/Weott arrive asap, you will be starting around 5pm)

Thursday- Dress Rehearsal at 4pm
(teens/Weott arrive asap, you will be starting around 5pm)

Friday- Performance at 7pm
Skaters’ Waltz: young dancers arrive at 6:30 with hair and make-up done. Be ready to quickly change into tights, slippers and costume
Magic Doll Shop: All dancers arrive by 5:00 to do your hair and prepare for warm-up at 5:30. After warm-up you can put on make-up and change.

Saturday- Performance at 1pm
Skaters’ Waltz: young dancers arrive at 12:30 with hair and make-up done. Be ready to quickly change into tights, slippers and costume
Magic Doll Shop: All dancers arrive by11:00 to do your hair and prepare for warm-up at 11:30. After warm-up you can put on make-up and change.

Sunday- Performance at 1pm
Skaters’ Waltz: young dancers arrive at 12:30 with hair and make-up done. Be ready to quickly change into tights, slippers and costume
Magic Doll Shop: All dancers arrive by 11:00 to do your hair and prepare for warm-up at 11:30. After warm-up you can put on make-up and change.

Sunday immediately after the show we must clean up and transport our things back to storage and the studio!

…and another update!

Hi, here is an update….more to follow I am sure as the show gets closer! We have to cancel classes on Monday in order to be at the theater for set up. If you cannot make studio dress rehearsal tomorrow, we will set aside and tag your child’s costume. This will also give you a day off since there is the Sunday rehearsal.

HOWEVER, anyone not at the studio dress rehearsal tomorrow will have to fill out a permission to participate form at dress rehearsal before your child will be allowed to dance at the theater. Sorry, just one more detail to tackle!

Schedule coming soon!