
Dear dancers, I have decided to cancel classes for the rest of the month until we see how the situation develops. Please stay safe and healthy as we support our community’s efforts to prevent the spread of the covid-19 virus. Enjoy the rain, the sun, and time at home! When we get the go-ahead for classes to resume, we will make plans to reschedule the recital.

Exam Demo


Hi Everybody! This is a bit of a late notice, as my planning was not on task, but I hope some of you can join us! If you cannot come on Wednesday, please feel free to stay and watch your dancer in class on Monday and we will set up chairs for you all!
Exam Demo
Dear parents and families,
We will be doing a demo of the exam prep work the students have been doing in class this session. It will take place Wednesday, March 11 and start around 4:30pm. We hope to show you each of the levels that are participating.
Performing in front of an audience will help the students gain confidence for this year’s exam or prepare them for their first exam whenever that happens.
Students not participating in the exams are welcome to join us, as all students have been preparing the same exercises. We do hope that more students will be part of the exam experience in the future, as we feel more confident in our skills as teachers with the exam protocols and ready to take in more candidates.
Hope to see you there!