Fall Schedule

Hi everyone! I hope you have all had a good summer vacation. I am starting to get inquiries about classes now, so I want to get at least a little info out.
Classes will start up the week after Labor Day, Monday, September 9. The schedule will be similar to other years, but we are looking at adding a class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 3:30 for the 5-6 year olds, to include the youngest of the students who may have been in Natalie’s large class as well as those leaving Nina’s class. (please keep in mind that age is just a guideline and the right class will be determined by experience and skill level)
Mondays and Wednesdays:
3:30- 4:15 ballet 1, ages 5-6
4:15-5 ballet 2, ages 6-8
5-6:15 ballet 3, ages 9-12
3:30-4:00 pre-ballet
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
4:00-6:00 teens
10-2 teens
Adult ballet is scheduled for Tuesdays and possibly Thursdays at 11
No classes over Thanksgiving week, November 25-30
No classes after performance or over Winter Recess
Classes resume January 13, 2020
Spring Recital week of May 12-17
😍There are plans afoot for tap classes this year! Jessie and I are working on the schedule. One possible time is Saturday afternoons, but we will keep you posted as we get the schedule set.
Winter performance dates! Please mark them on your calendar now!!
Studio group rehearsals: possible dates (2 dates will be chosen) at 4
Tuesday and Wednesday, November 19, 20, and Tuesday and Wednesday December 3, 4
Tuesday, December 10-move to the Redwood Playhouse
Wednesday, December 11-tech rehearsal at 4
Thursday, December 12-dress rehearsal at 5
Friday, December 13, performance at 6
Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 14&15, performances at 1
I hope this helps and answers a few questions you may have. Stay tuned for more.